Saturday, 12 November 2016

Importance Of Animals To Human Beings

Free Writing Essay

Importance Of Animals to Human Beings

As human beings, we can never deny that animals play important roles in our daily life. Animals have successfully squeeze into our storyline of life without hesitation everyday in every way. Sometimes,human mistook the roles and importance of animals until they think that animals are disgusting and dirty. However, animals actually give benefits to human beings,from tee to toe, even from their nose, legs, and fur. Have you ever imagine life without chickens, elephants, pigs, and dogs? Have you ever imagine how incomplete your life would be without animals? That is why we should know the importance of animals to human beings ; so that we will take good care of them.

First and foremost, animals are used in advanced experiments. Lab rats, for example, are used in experiment revolving food test and medicine test. Lab rats are poked, injected, and fed with drugs and food to ensure that the food is safe for human beings. For cosmetics, rabbits are used for perfume test. The perfume is sprayed to the rabbits’ eyes — if the rabbits become blind, the perfume is not safe to be used. Even though some people think that this action is cruel, we actually need to do this on animals because no one wants to register as a volunteer for food, drugs, or cosmetic tests.

Image result for police dogs

Secondly, animals are important for security purposes. Almost every house has at least a dog at home. This is because dogs can guard our home from thieves with their loud barks and powerful teeth. Dogs are also used by the police since the 14th century. Dogs are known as the best ‘machine’ to detect drugs, bombs, lost people, and help in searching evidence in crimes. Every dogs has a very sensitive dogs that could detect smell from far. Until now, police dogs have helped to solve crimes including kidnapping, robbery, and military.

Image result for hamburger

Do you love hamburger with extra mayo and Hawaiian Chicken Pizza with extra cheese on it? So, another importance of animals is as a food source for human beings. Just imagine hamburger without ham and pizza without chicken, surely they will not taste as good as they are before. Their meat gives extra deliciousness to every single food on earth. You can never deny the importance of animals as food sources even if you are vegetarians. Vegetarians drink milk and eat eggs that come from animals which are cows and chikens.

In a nutshell, they are countless importance of animals to human beings — just how important we are to animals. This symbiosis cannot be rejected as we all need each other to complete each other’s life. As human that have brain to think, we need to always be grateful with these perfect creations from God. So, make sure you always love animals, take good care of them and use them wisely. :)

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