Monday, 15 August 2016

Vocabulary Enrichment

1.Akin (adjective)
Meaning : similar to something
Example : This situation akin my past.

2.Astray (adverb)
Meaning : to become lost or be stolen
Example : We went astray until a man redirects us.

3.Astute (adjective)
Meaning : very clever
Example : Zafirah is astute.She scored 110 in TOEFL recently.

4.Atrocity (noun)
Meaning : very cruel treatment of something
Example : oh sides were accused of committing atrocities during the war.

5.Alias (adverb)
Meaning : false name
Example John is known to the police under several aliases.

Meaning : Used for expressing sadness about something

Example : Alas,my funds have some limitations.

Vocabulary ( From TOEFL)

Vocabulary ( From TOEFL)

Meaning : to stop/end
Example : That organization has ceased to exist.

Meaning : a group of people,plants or things that stand or grow together.
Example : A cluster of schoolchildren went to the exhibition.

Meaning : to increase quickly in number
Example : His bank account proliferates after he won the lottery

Meaning : continue
Example : The competition between the plants are not strong that only one can perserve.

Meaning : to do something that you did not expect to do or know about

Example : Levels of general literacy in the south far surpassed those of the north.

Sunday, 14 August 2016



The character that I like the most is of course Juli.Yeah,even though she seems so desperate to get Bryce,I think she possess some good charecteristics that we can apply in our daily life (in relationship,studies,etc)

First,Juli is very determine in getting what she wants.Just look at how hard she works to win Bryce’s heart yet she has been rejected few times.She also determines in keeping the tree (I can’t recall the name of the tree) from being cut down, as the tree provides her with picturesque scenery from up there.To apply this in daily lifestyle,work hard.There is no shortcut to success,do your homework,study more and always have this inquiry to learn something new.Once you have succeed,keep it up!Don’t let anyone let you down by their words.

^ actually,this is a piece of advice for myself too ;(

Second,be mature as we grow older.For instace,Juli stops chasing Bryce as she grows older.Why? She is mature enough to control herself even though deep inside her heart,she still loves Bryce.That is not called giving up because sometimes in some circumstances,being silent is the best thing to do.In life,act cool and professional in everything we do.We are not little kids anymore to cry in order to get something.At last,Bryce himself fall for Juli after Juli has moved on.

I give this movie 7/10.You really need to watch this movie!

Vocabulary ( Theme : Laugh )

Meaning : to laugh inwardly or quietly
Example : My joke wasn’t very funny,but Ben chuckled a little when I told him.

Meaning : to partially suppress a laugh,as if to hide one’s amusement and happiness
Example : I snickered when my friend spilled his coffee in front of his crush

Meaning : to laugh with repeated short catches of breath,sometimes in a childlike way
Example : The children could not stop giggling while there we playing in the snow.

4.Crack up 
Meaning : to laugh a lot at something,almost uncontrollably

Example :I cracked up when I saw Tim dressed up like an elf.

Vocabulary Enrichment

1.Contagious (adjective)
Meaning : (of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another by direct or indirect contact
Example : Influenze H1N1 was a contagious disease last few years.

2.Apt (adjective)
Meaning : appropriate or suitable in the circumstances 
Example : He made an apt description of his nature.

3. Imparative (adjective)
Meaning : of vital importance, crucial 
Example :It is imperative that standards be maintained 

4. Derail (verb)
Meaning : cause ( a train or trolley car) accidentally leave the tracks accidentally
Example : a train was derailed after it collide with a heard of cattle

5. Phenomenal (adjective)
Meaning : great

Example : This is a phenomenal book!

Lights Out

Lights Out

I have read an article entitled Lights Out Review : I’ll Leave You Sleeping with The Lights On recently.Seriously? I don’t know why,but I think this horror movie is the least horror movie I have ever watched.I rarely watch horror movie actually because I am a little bit coward hehe :P When I bought the ticket,I actually have high expectation on this movie.I mean,at least I will recall some scenes when I am alone in the room or when I go to the washroom alone.But actually, I forget Diana right after I stepped out from the cinema. 

I think there are some things that make the movie not too terror.First,you can know when Diana will come out in the movie (well at least you can  expect when is the right time to scream haha).
Diana will come when there is no light,so whenever there are electrical problems somewhat somewhere in the house,she definitely will appear on the screen.And I have no idea how Diana manage to control the power supply in the house.Was she an engineer?I’m sure she’s not.

Second,at the end of the movie,Sophie commits suicide to protect her children from Diana.Yes,Diana cannot live without Sophie,but that means Diana dies too?Then both of them die,no one alive,no more ghost.No wonder I don’t feel afraid to go to the toilet in the middle of the night — I am so sure there is no Diana because she is dead.I think the movie should be more terror if actually Diana become worse when Sophie is dead,or maybe she wants  to do a revenge towards Sophie’s children as they are the reason why Sophie commits suicide.

The Purge ( The Election Year)

The Purge (The Election Year)

My favorite character in this movie is the Senator

First and foremost,we can clearly see that she concerns about her people.This can be proved when she determines to stop purging if she wins the election.She,who nearly become a victim of the president on the purge night,is so surprised to know that there are actually volunteers doctors working on the purge night to treat victims.She mingles with the patients in order to calm them down because it is chaotic night and surely there are people who lose their loved ones.So besides being selfish,she actually uses every second she has to gain trust from others and to make a distinct.

Second,she plays clean politics.The time when she knows that the people are trying to assassin the President,she seriously thinks that is a bad idea.She states that if they assassins the President,they have no difference with the president — killing on the purge night.Plus,she mentions that she convinces the people that she will win the election,even with the presence of the President.

As for me,Senator mirrors a true leader that we want.A leader who is not selfish and always plays clean even in a critical situation.Though it is hard to find a true leader,Senator successfully plays her important role in the movie to show to the world out there what characteristics that a leader should possess. 

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Phrasal Verb

1.Lay (someone) off
Meaning : to stop employing someone for reasons that are not about the person's abilities.
Example : Tom loves his job and never slacks off,but his company is having financial problems and may lay Tom off.

slack off : to do something with less energy and effort than is usual or necessary.

2.Run (something) by (someone)
Meaning : to show or tell something to someone so it can be considered,approved,etc.
Example : I like to run my ideas by my supervisor.She always gives me good feedback.

3.Touch base (with someone)
Meaning : to meet and talk as a way of learning about recent news.
Example : Did you touch base with Jenny about our vacation plans?

4.Fall for (someone)
Meaning : to feel a strong attraction to someone ; to fall in love with someone.
Example : I fell for Niall the moment I saw him,and I asked him out the next day

5.Fix (someone) up
Meaning : to arrange a date for someone.
Example : My friend fixed me up on a blind date.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Vocabulary (From TOEFL)

1.   Severe (adj)
Meaning : extremely bad or serious
Example : The company is in severe financial difficulty.

2.   Paradox (noun)
Meaning : a situation or statement with two or more parts that seem strange or impossible together
Example : It is a paradox that some countries produce too much food while many other countries people are starving.

3.   Dweller (noun)
Meaning : a person or an animal that lives in the place mentioned

Example : The city dwellers are friendly.