Saturday, 25 June 2016

"Anxious" or "Eager"?

1. We had a great night yesterday at Seoul Garden,alhamdulillah :) Nevertheless,I don't eat much (seriously). I got full easily (but got hungry easily too) haha.
2.My sister has safely arrived KLIA and now she's on the plane to Johor Bahru.Thanks Allah.
Back to the topic,sometimes I am confused when to use anxious and when to use eager.
So,when to use ''Anxious",and when to use "Eager"?
It depends on how you feel, you may be anxious or eager for school to start. To some people, anxious has more of a negative connotation than eager. You're eager for school to start if you're looking forward to it. You're anxious for school to start if you feel nauseous every time you think about it.
Anxious comes from the same root as anxiety. If you can remember that, you can remember that anxious isn't a good thing.
Anxious is evolving, though. The distinction between anxious and eager was much stronger in the seventeenth century. Today, many people use the words interchangeably.
  • I'm eager to see my best friend again. (standard)
  • I'm anxious to see the school bully. (standard)
  • I'm anxious to get our new puppy. (acceptable, but sometimes disputed)

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Have Fun With Connectors!

Sentence Connectors
To show similarity
My two uncles have opened a business in Kuala Lumpur. Similarly, I will open one after my studies.
She was late and I, likewise was delayed.

To show contrast
On the other hand
In contrast
Despite that / this
Ali worked hard. On the other hand/ in contrast / however, Halim hardly did any work at all.

Mr and Mrs Kana are old, nevertheless they are still very active.

Ahmad did not answer. Instead, he looked out of the taxi window.

Although Kim Long sprained his ankle, he came to school.

To show result
As a consequence
For this reason
As a result
Because of this
He passed his examination. Therefore / Thus / Hence / Accordingly / Consequently, he had some good news to tell his parents. 

He lacks motivation to practise music. Therefore, he can't become a good musician. 

Living in a big city offers good job opportunities. Also, it provides good educational opportunities.

To show addition / listing
In addition
First / first of all / firstly/ to begin with
Ali plays football. Moreover/ Besides/ Also, he plays tennis.

Mei Mei writes short stories. In addition, she writes articles for a newspaper. 

To complete his homework, Jack went through various history books. Furthermore, he took notes from several encyclopedias. 

I prefer to buy fruit and vegetables in the open market because they are quite cheap
there. Besides, they are much fresher than those sold at the greengrocers’.

Owning a car has some advantages. Firstly, it gives you comfort. Secondly, it saves you a lot of time. Thirdly, it gives you great freedom of movement.
To show time
First ….then
At first
In the meantime
I read the morning papers for a while. Afterwards, I took a shower.

First pick up the receiver and then insert a coin into the coin-box. 

At first, I had great difficulty with grammar. Later, however , I was able to overcome the difficulty by studying hard. 

The party is on Tuesday, but in the meantime I have to shop and prepare the food. 

They'll be here soon. Meanwhile, let's have coffee. 

To show example
For example
For instance
There are many uses of water, for example,  drinking, cooking, irrigation and running industrial plants.

To explain
In other words
The brochure dealt with travelling in Morocco. That is/In other words/Namely, it discussed transportation, currency, and language. 

To show negative condition
…or else
You should stop teasing the poor little boy, or else, I’ll tell your mother of your act.

You must study hard. Otherwise, you’ll fail.

Please accept my apology for the extra box up here. I have tried so hard to delete it but it seems to stay there forever. Hahaha never mind.
Alhamdulillah today we are going to have iftar with all Cohort 4 members and lecturers at Seoul Garden in Aeon Kinta City,Perak.But what excite me more is I am going back on 1st July for Raya Celebration!Can't wait to meet my family members and eat my mum's cook.Besides,my sister is coming back from Egypt today!Have a safe flight dear sister :) 

P/S : Will I celebrate Raya in Malaysia or US next year? :O


Important is one of the common words used in a writing.But we don't want to repeat the same word for the entire essay right?So what are other words that can be used to replace the word 'important'?

  1. an important meetingsignificantconsequentialmomentousof great importmajorcriticalcrucialvitalpivotaldecisiveurgenthistoricseriousgraveweightymaterialimpactfulformal of great moment. ANTONYMS trivial.  2. the important thing is that you do well in your examsmainchiefprincipalkeymajorsalientprimeforemostparamountoverridingcrucialvitalcriticalessentialsignificantcentralfundamentalinformal number-one.ANTONYMS  inessential.  3. the school was important to the communityof valuevaluable(highly) prizedbeneficialnecessaryessentialindispensablevitalof concernof interestrelevantpertinent. ANTONYMS  irrelevantof no concern.  4. he was an important manpowerfulinfluentialof influencewell connectedhigh-rankinghigh-poweredprominenteminentpreeminentnotablenoteworthyof notedistinguishedesteemedrespectedprestigiouscelebratedfamousgreatinformal affluentialmajor league.  ANTONYMS  insignificant.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Synonym : Vary Your Vocabulary

Instead of repeating the same words across your essay,these synonyms might help you for your writing.
Of course it will be more interesting to read an essay that has variety of vocabulary in it.

1. We spent five hours at the colossal shooping mall (BIG)
2. The beach was pristine. (CLEAN)
3. The road to the appartmen was pitch-black. (DANGEROUS)
4. The public toilet was filthy. (DIRTY)
5. The lobby of the hotel is majestic. (GRAND)
6. The air in the city is impure. (POLLUTED)
7. The man-made park was peculiar. (STRANGE)
8. The receptionist was amiable. (FRIENDLY)
9. My bestfriend is obliging. (HELPFUL)
10. The triumphant team was great (SUCCESSFUL)

So,let's try to use all these words in essay our to get a better score :)

Monday, 20 June 2016


Imagine yourself going to a camp in a forest.
You really enjoy the peaceful view there
and you are trying to tell your friends how beautiful the scenery is.
So what adjective that you can use to describe the forest?

covered in or resembling moss: mossy tree trunks.

of or inhabiting mountainous country: montane grasslands.

(of vegetation) growing luxuriantly: lush greenery and cultivated fields.

I hope these new vocabulary might help you to describe forest in a better way than before :)

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Stop Procrastinating

Never procrastinate!
When I say never
Don't you ever think of procrastinating
Not even once in a lifetime

Because procrastinating can be addictive
Just like nicotine

That is why it has been a long time 
since I last updated my blog

I am sorry

Why am I talking about procrastinating?
I watched a video on youtube just now
It was a video from charlieissocoollike

I regret for not updating my blog everyday
I watched movies,read books but not doing my review

So,starting today,I will try my best to update my blog at least 1 vocabulary a day.
And start doing my movie review and book review more frequent.
And have more confident to write in English

Insya Allah.

So the vocabulary for today is
meaning : to delay or to postpone an action ; put off doing something
example : I will stop procrastinating and start doing my homework. ( Yes I am serious )